Neil Brewer & Robyn Young
Problematic interactions between autistic adults and the justice system
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2019-2022: $412,543
Amy Bradfield Douglass & Neil Brewer
Can brief social interactions undermine system variable protections against false eyewitness identifications?
National Science Foundation (USA) 2016-2018: $US127,858
Neil Brewer, Nathan Weber, & Gary Wells
Who should join the suspect in a police photoarray?
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2015-2020: $ 558,700
Matthew Palmer, Neil Brewer, & Jason McCarley
How feedback can impair recognition judgments and undermine border security, criminal investigations, educational testing, and medical screening
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2014-2016: $ 285,000
Neil Brewer, Nathan Weber, & D. Stephen Lindsay
Identifying the bad guy with deadlined confidence judgments
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2010-13: $ 424,000
Carolyn Semmler, Neil Brewer, & Amy Bradfield Douglass
The distortion of eyewitness identification testimony
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2010-12: $ 230,000
Amy Bradfield Douglass, Neil Brewer, & Carolyn Semmler
The dynamic interaction between investigator and eyewitness: Effects on memory reports and interviewer behavior
National Science Foundation (USA) 2009-2011: $US 200,000
Neil Brewer, Fiona Gabbert, & Lorraine Hope
Interviewing eyewitnesses: Enhancing output quantity and diagnosing accuracy
Australian Research Council Linkage International Social Sciences Collaboration 2009-2010: $152,000
Lorraine Hope, Fiona Gabbert, & Neil Brewer
Interviewing eyewitnesses: Enhancing output quantity and diagnosing accuracy
Economic and Social Research Council (UK) Bilateral Australia 2009-2010: £ 81,282
Neil Brewer, Robyn Young, Nathan Weber, Anna Ma-Wyatt, Carolyn Semmler, & Ross McKinnon
A multi-function eye-tracker facility
Australian Research Council Linkage Infrastructure & Equipment Grant 2008: $120,000
Reg Nixon & Neil Brewer
Children’s memory for traumatic events
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2007-09: $ 201,189
Neil Brewer, Gary Wells, & Nathan Weber
Eyewitness identification: Metacognitive influences on choosing behaviour
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2005-09: $ 371,000
Neil Brewer & Jenny Williams
Determinants of tribunal outcomes for Indigenous footballers
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies 2006-07: $ 27,560
Neil Brewer
Eyewitness identification Visiting Fellowship (Rod Lindsay)
Directorate of Scientific Affairs of the Australian Psychological Society 2004: $ 3,000
Neil Brewer, Kip Williams, & Lynne ForsterLee
The dynamics of witness confidence effects on juror judgments
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2003-04: $ 138,000
Neil Brewer & Gary Wells
When does confidence predict eyewitness identification accuracy?
Australian Research Council Large Grant 2001-03: $112,700
Neil Brewer & Carolyn Semmler
Improving juror comprehension with a flowchart
Law Foundation of South Australia 2001: $ 10,000
Robyn Young & Neil Brewer
The detection of autism in young, pre-verbal children
Channel 7 Children’s Medical Research Foundation of South Australia 1999: $37,500
Neil Brewer
Confidence-accuracy calibration in eyewitness identification
Australian Research Council Small Grant 2000: $ 9,691
Neil Brewer
Consistency and accuracy of eyewitness testimony
Visiting Fellowship (Ron Fisher) Directorate of Scientific Affairs of the Australian Psychological Society 1995: $ 1,500
Neil Brewer, Ron Fisher, Mary Luszcz, & Nigel Bond
The relationship between consistency and accuracy of eyewitness testimony
Australian Research Council Large Grant 1998-2000: $ 142,000
Neil Brewer
Effects of regular supervisory monitoring on performance
Australian Research Council Small Grant 1995-96: $33,200
Neil Brewer
Determinants of closeness of supervision
Australian Research Council Small Grant 1993-94: $ 22,700
Neil Brewer
Conflict management in police-citizen interactions
Sir Maurice Byers Fellowship (NSW Police Service) 1996-98: $ 31,920
Neil Brewer & Jason White
Computerized handwriting instruction for mentally retarded individuals
Apex Foundation for Research into Mental Retardation Ltd. 1989: $4,162
Neil Brewer & Jason White
Use of computer-assisted instruction in teaching functional academic skills
Department of Community Services, Victoria 1986-87: $25,300,
Neil Brewer & Glen Smith
Speed-accuracy control processes in intellectually retarded people
Australian Research Grants Scheme 1981-83, 1984-86: $ 67,405
Neil Brewer
Alcohol, secondary activity and driver performance
Department of Transport, South Australia 1978: $16,195