Working in teams:  Negative effects

Wilson, C., & Brewer, N. (2001).  Working in teams:  Negative effects on organisational performance in policing.  Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 24, 115-127.

Differences in the conflict resolution tactics of

Braithwaite, H., & Brewer, N. (1998).  Differences in the conflict resolution tactics of male and female police patrol officers.  International Journal of Police Science and Management, 1, 276-287.

Psychology and policing

Brewer, N., & Wilson, C. (Eds.) (1995).  Psychology and policing.  Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Supervision and leadership

Brewer, N. (1995).  Supervision and leadership.  In N. Brewer & C. Wilson (Eds.),  Psychology and policing  (pp. 291-316).  Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Psychology and operational policing.

Brewer, N., & Wilson, C. (1995).  Psychology and operational policing.  In N. Brewer & C. Wilson (Eds.),  Psychology and policing  (pp. 1-3).  Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Psychology and organizational functioning

Brewer, N., & Wilson, C. (1995).  Psychology and organizational functioning.  In N. Brewer & C. Wilson (Eds.),  Psychology and policing  (pp. 173-175).  Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Psychological research and policing

Brewer, N., Wilson, C., & Braithwaite, H. (1995).  Psychological research and policing.  In N. Brewer & C. Wilson (Eds.),  Psychology and policing  (pp. 395-412).  Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Supervisory behaviour and team performance

Brewer, N., Wilson, C., & Beck, K. (1994).  Supervisory behaviour and team performance amongst police patrol sergeants.  Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 67, 69-78.